Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Merry Christmas!

       Merry Christmas everybody! I hope everybody has a wonderful time! I know Christmas is not about getting gifts, but can we talk about what I got for a minute?


        OH MY GOSH. I AM SO HAPPY.  After I read the first Alice in Zombieland, I knew that I had to read the second, and the best part of this. The book I have is in hardcover. Let me say that again. This. Book. Is. In. Hardcover. to be honest I am too cheap to by hardcover myself, so I only own like, 2 3 hardcover books.
       I have heard so many good things about Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi, I knew I had to read it. Nobody in my family knew that I wanted this book until I started fangirling over it in Coles. And then my brother, my awesome brother picked it up for me while I went to a different store.

       Also, on a side note, I got soooooo much chocolate. I GOT THREE HUGE TOBLERONE BARS. And Turtles, and Ferro Rocher. I can already feel the chocolate that will be soon flowing through my body.


Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Top 10 Tuesday #4: Top 10 books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me.

        Top 10 Tuesday is an original feature hosted over at The Broke and the Bookish.

        The theme for this week is, top 10 books that I hope to find under my tree. So, on to my list.

       Not in any order

#1 Through the Zombie Glass (White Rabbit Chronicles #2) By Gena Showalter
#2 North Of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley

#3 The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black

#4 The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey

#5 Born at Midnight by C. C. Hunter

#6 Hold Still by Nina LaCour

#7 Give up the Ghost by Megan Crewe
#8 Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

#9 White Cat by Holly Black   

#10 Evermore by Alyson Noel

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Call for Beta Readers for YA Horror MS!

       So, one of my best blogging friends, Inky Fox, who blogs at YA Lit Reviews From a Librarian, and reviews at  The Surreal Grotesque is looking for beta readers for her YA Horror MS. An agent became interested in her work, but right now, she needs some beta readers. If you want to know more about her, her manuscript, or you would like to contact her, here is the link to her blog  YA Lit Reviews From a Librarian Here is the supplied blurb:

   "Tourist destination Star Harbor has picturesque waters, beaches, lighthouses, and residents. For moody teenager Brent, these things mean nothing. His crush rejected him publicly. His parents are divorcing and they fight over custody of the dog instead of him. They ignore him and obsess over ruining each other’s lives. Deciding to end it all he goes to a secluded beach of black rocks. He is about to throw himself in when a beautiful girl surfaces from the water. Her name is Nerin and she is half woman, half fish-a mermaid. Love binds them together and he swears to protect her. 

A mermaid’s duty is to punish unjust men, and she enlists Brent to help her locate deserving offenders. Believing that she intends to scare them, he gladly sends his school bullies to her.
But there is something else is amiss in Star Harbor. Men have been going missing, with their body parts and entrails washing ashore. Somewhere in this mess is Nerin, and Brent has to keep afloat before he is in too deep to save himself." 

       You don' t have to write too much about  her book. she just wants to know if you actually enjoyed reading it.  So  go on, what are you waiting for, be the awesome people I know you can be and go contact her!

Thursday, 28 November 2013

W...W...W Wednesday

W...W...W... Wednesdays is a weekly event hosted by Should Be Reading where you answer the following questions.
What are you currently reading?
What have you recently finished reading?
What do you think you'll read next

What are you currently reading?
       I am reading Ice and Embers by Isabella Modra still. It's a slow process but I really do like the book. I  am also reading Paper Towns by John Green, when I don't have my laptop.

What have you recently finished reading?
       Uhhh, does a Catching Fire magazine count? I haven't been finishing any books lately...

What do you plan on reading next?
       I don't even want to think about what I am reading next. I'm reading books so slowly right now, I feel like I'll never get anything done. 


Saturday, 16 November 2013

Liebster Blog Award!

         Holy. Mother. Father. I have been nominated for the Liebster blog award. *Jumps up and down* I was nominated by Holly U at Part of That World


       The Liebster Award is a way to help blogs you like with less than 200 followers to expand their audience. It's a way to give them some deserved attention, so our followers can discover them as well. If you want to know more about the award, click here

*Link back to the person who nominated you and answer the questions that they've asked.
*Nominate 10 other bloggers.
*Ask your nominees 10 questions
*Let your nominees know about their award.
(These rules have morphed over time, in some places it says that you have to provide eleven random facts about you, but if you really wanted to know, you could just visit my About Me page here)

My Answers

#1 What made you decide to start blogging
       Well, I've always loved books, but never really had anybody to talk to about them. So then on a particularly cold January day my sister suggested, 
         "Why not start a blog?"
        And yeah that's it... Not very exciting, sorry.

#2 Love triangles, yay or nay?
       NAY. NAY. NAY. Never. They get my unnecessarily frustrated. See see, I'm going to to tell you exactly how that they go. It will start out with the protagonist, let's say it's a girl. That girl. Let's say her name is Amanda. Amanda's all happy and good and nice, then she meets a boy. A totally nice, cool boy.We'll name him Max. They flirt and stuff, and Amanda's thinking:
       Wow. I like this boy. I want to be in a relationship with Max.
       And one day, Amanda will be walking in the woods by herself or whatever, and she'll stumble upon a pretty little cottage. And it is in that very cottage that she will meet another boy, his name is Dave. Dave is totally hawt, so naturally Amanda falls into insta-love, but still kind of likes Max. So then, she leads both guys on. Nearing the end of the book, some forced angry fight will happen between Amanda and Max and Amanda will crawl into the wrong guys arms. *Cough*  Dave. *Cough.  
       The end.
       Oh. Yeah, what was the question? Uhhh. Nay.

#3. What is your favorite genre to read?
       Young Adult Dystopian is my all time favorite. I love seeing all the different worlds, I love seeing how the characters live in the future. I love wondering if that could ever happen to our world one day.

#4 What series do you recommend everyone read?
       The Divergent Series by Veronica Roth. I love these. The world they live in is addicting. I fell in love with the characters instantly, The dialog is intriguing. I loved. Everything. About These Books. And the best part, the third one is out, so you don't have to wait to find out what happens.

#5 Who is your favorite book boyfriend?
     Alright guys. You can't expect me to choose one. I'm going to choose my top three.
    #1 Tobias/Four (Divergent)
    #2 Warner (Shatter Me)
    #3 Cole (Alice in Zombieland)

#6 What is the best book you have read so far in 2013?
       Oh Holly. CURSE YOU AND YOUR DIFFICULT QUESTIONS My favorite stand alone book? I think I would have to choose Revived by Cat Patrick. What a tearjerker. *Sobs*

#7 If you had to choose, what world would you want to live in most?
       This is always a tough question to answer, because if I have to stay as myself, Even in one of my favorite books like Alice in Zombieland. My life would be pretty much the same. So I guess I would choose the Alice in Zombieland world because nothing would really ever happen to me. But sometimes I wish my life was some epic suspense and I was some kick-ass person. So, if I could switch places with a protagonist, I would either choose Alice from Alice in Zombieland, or Tris from Divergent.

#8 If you could hang out with one character for a day, who would it be?
       Does Hit Girl from Kick-Ass count? =)

#9 Who is your favorite heroine?
     Tris from the Divergent trilogy. I like her because she doesn't sit and wait for somebody to come and save her when she gets herself into trouble. Plus I love how she isn't all:

#10 Why do you love blogging\
       I love blogging because I get to connect with people and chat with people with them about books. I also love to hold interviews. I guess I love to blog because this blog is MINE, and I don't have anybody telling when I can post and when I can't. Although I have been getting kind of lazy with my reviews lately, it's not affecting anybody but me.

My Nominees

Sydney at Pika Pages
Eveline at Eveline's Books

I could only think of four. Most of the other blogs I LOVE are over 200 followers

My Questions
#1. Why did you start blogging?
#2. What is the last book you stayed up waaaay to late reading?
#3. What is the most disappointing book to movie adaption to you?
#4.If you could scream at one annoying protagonist who would it be?
#5. If you could do an in person interview with any author who would it be?
#6. Do you ever see yourself writing a book?
#7. What is the last book that made you want to bang your head against the wall?
#8. If you could write a fortune for a fortune cookie what would it say?
#9. If you were to magically into one person at midnight until 7:00am who would you want to be?

#10. Can you see yourself not publishing on your blog (forever) anytime soon?

In case you guys were wondering this is what I looked like when I found out I was nominated...


Wednesday, 13 November 2013

WWW Wednesday #1

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted over at Should Be Reading  To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions… • What are you currently reading? • What did you recently finish reading? • What do you think you’ll read next? 

What are you currently reading?
       I am currently reading Embers and Ice by Isabella Modra. It is the second book to Rouge, which I reviewed in August. But anyway so far, I am loving the second installment!

What did you recently finish reading?
       Uhhh, not really anything. I haven't been reading too much lately, notice the lack of reviews. I have really been meaning to read some more, but I ain't got no time. =)

What are you planing on reading next?
       Umm. I don't know. I don't really plan these things ahead of time. But, If I can find Hexhall again, (I lost it) then I am going to start that. If I can't find that, I want to read Paper Towns by John Green. It's finally back at the library!

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Chat With Me Thursday (6): Author Interview With J. Leigh Bralick

       I am happy to be back with another Chat With Me Thursday. Today I bring you J. Leigh Bralick. Author of Down a Lost Road, Subverter, Prisim, and The Madness Project.

1. Could you tell me a little about yourself?

       So, I'm a bit of an oddball…isn't that a prerequisite for being a writer, though?  I'm a military brat, so I grew up all over the country until my family settled in Texas.  I still love to travel (especially to strange and hidden places); I obsess over languages (I make them up, too); I despise brussel sprouts (mutant miniature
cabbages!); I adore owls, chickens and pretty much anything that has feathers.  I'm passionate about a bizarre variety of music, and have never met an instrument I didn't want to play.  I love to learn about pretty much everything.  I'm paranoid of car engines and electrical transformers, I train in street fighting, and, yes, I secretly believe that the Doctor will come to take me away.

2. When did you first decide that you wanted to be an author?

       Oh, I was pretty young.  My mom and older sister were always writing, and my whole family was passionate about story-telling, so writing just became a part of my life very early on.  Of course people would always throw out that old line, "Most people can't make it as an author," but I didn't care about that.  I just had to write, whether or not I could "make it" by my craft or not.  That just kind of flowed into wanting to share my books with people, so, here I am.

3. Was it difficult to mix steampunk and fantasy?

       Not as much as you might think!  I've always been a fantasy writer; it's my natural habitat.  But I love the whole steampunk flair and I'm fascinated by early modern culture, when everything is just becoming mechanized, with automobiles and aeroplanes and all of that.  So many fantasy novels reflect a medieval kind of culture (I love those stories, too, but…you know.  It's ubiquitous), and I've never read one with an early modern kind of setting.  I just wondered, why not?  There is something magical and fantastical about that setting for me.  I didn't want to write yet another Victorian London story.  I wanted a fantasy world with its own myths and countries and cultures, though the country Cavnal did draw inspiration from a number of sources — from revolution-era Russia to the heyday of the Chicago and New York mobs, to the quirky slang of Newcastle.

4. Do you find what you name your characters an important thing to think about?

       Very much.  The sound of names is hugely important to me.  Sometimes a character comes with a name already attached.  Sometimes I'll know what sort of ethnic sound I want to evoke, and I'll go to a site like Behind The Name to get a feel for different names before making one up that seems to fit.  Usually I'll start with a very strong sense that a character's name has to begin with B, or cannot possibly start with R.  I don't know why that is.  In The Madness Project, a lot of the kids have "tags" instead of names, so it was more a matter of finding the right word to captures something about them — for instance, Coins, Red, Jig, Zip and Bugs.

5. What is the most important thing about being a writer in your opinion?

       I think being a writer, like being an artist, carries a huge responsibility.   I think we sell ourselves short when we don't appreciate the opportunity we have of helping people to see the world in a new way, or think about things differently, or make sense of things that, in the real world, are just too close to home to consider objectively.  Watching characters in a book experience things gives readers a chance to safely wade those waters for themselves.  Does all writing have to be deeply profound and philosophical?  That would be tedious.  But I think every story has a chance to make that kind of an impact on readers, even if just in a small way.  That is something I find astounding and…honestly…a bit frightening.

6. If you could, would you go back and re-write the book in a different way?

       Not this one, no.  I had a bit of that feeling with my first book, Down a Lost Road, when I looked back on it after some time had passed.  There were some things I wanted to change and I actually did go back and publish a revised edition to address some of those flaws.  But for The Madness Project…no, I'm actually really happy with how it turned out.  I'm still a bit baffled by the whole thing and find the prospect of writing #2 a bit daunting, but at the same time I am so, so excited to tackle it.

7. Any advice for aspiring authors? 

       You have a story to tell — hopefully, many stories to tell — so don't be afraid to tell them.  Take the time to focus on bettering your craft.  Being an author isn't something that anyone is entitled to, but don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't try to earn it.  Find other writers or readers whose judgment you trust, and listen.  Listen to their criticisms, even when it's painful.  Don't blindly accept all of their suggested changes, either, but at least be willing to consider them.  Being a writer is a constant work in progress.  We always need to \ work on improving our craft, just like any other artisan.  If being a writer is something you really want, you should be willing to put in the effort to be the best at it that you can be.  And don't ever, ever give up.  Find your voice, your unique and beautiful voice.  Study, study, study.  Meet wonderful and astonishing characters to populate your pages.  Tell your story.  The world is waiting to hear it.

Thank you so much for contacting me for an interview J. Leigh! I had an amazing time working with you!

       Down below are the synopsis' of J. Leigh Bralick's books!

Synopsis of Down a Lost Road (The Lost Road Chronicles #1) (From Goodreads) 

       The way her summer vacation is beginning might be everything 16-year-old Merelin Lindon ever imagined - in her wildest daydreams. Her father has been missing for four years. So when she receives a small token that once belonged to him, she knows something strange is happening. Without any warning, Merelin finds herself drawn into a world somehow connected with Earth's mythical past. As she learns the truth of her father's past, the nightmare begins, and she finds herself the target of a terrifying hunt. With the help of a fascinating and sometimes infuriating young man named Yatol, she chooses to hazard everything, to suffer things she never imagined, in a foolhardy quest to rescue her father and save his people. But it may cost her more than she can imagine...

Synopsis of Subverter (The  Lost Road Chronicles #2) (From Goodreads) 
       A year has passed since the Judgment of the Ungulion, and Merelin Lindon is beginning to believe she will never return to the world she loved. But when she begins to suffer from strange visions of a life and a love she left behind, visions that grow darker and harsher with each passing day, she comes to understand that her role in Arah Byen is far from over. But nothing can prepare her for what she will find. Peace should have been returning to the world, but a new enemy has crept from the shadows, plotting the overthrow of all that Merelin holds dear. With everything turned upside-down and nothing as it seems, Merelin must discover whose side she is really on, and who she can trust, before it is too late. But how can she know who to trust, when she isn't even sure she can trust herself?

Synopsis of Prisim (The  Lost Road Chronicles #3) (From Goodreads)
       Forced to take on a new identity to protect herself from a still-angry people, Merelin Lindon wants nothing more than to help bring the world of Arah Byen into some kind of balance. But nothing is going as planned. The High King Zhabyr is falling apart. Merelin's allies are turning on each other for no reason. Even Yatol is acting more mysterious and tormented than ever, and Merelin is struggling with a growing longing for her home and family. And just when she believes things can't get any worse, she is framed for a terrible crime, and deserted by those who should have defended her.

       But Merelin soon realizes that she is not the victim of a horrible plot, but just one more pawn in a deadly game she never really understood. In the game immortals play, nothing she has seen or learned can prepare her for the truths about to be revealed.

       In the coming war she cannot stand alone. But can she bring her allies together before it is too late?

Synopsis of The Madness Project (The Madness Method #1)
       No one really knows Prince Tarik Trabinis. Not even himself.

       He was born with a dual heritage—his royal title from his father, and from his mother, the gift of magic that would make him an outcast of society...if society ever learned the truth. For sixteen years Tarik kept his nature a secret. But on the eve of his seventeenth birthday, he is asked to help uncover the truth about the Rivanic Clan—an underground society of mages led by the enigmatic and charismatic Rivano. Using his ability to change his appearance, Tarik must slide into the dregs of society to learn the truth that could save or destroy everything he has ever loved.

       Hayli wasn't born on the streets, but with her magery gift, the streets were the only place she could ever call a home. Afraid of her shape-shifting ability and ashamed to be a mage, Hayli only wants to belong in the Hole, a misfit crew of street rats who live deep in the south streets of Brinmark. But when Rivano takes notice of her gift, she must finally decide who she is, and what she wants to be.

       When Tarik and Hayli's worlds collide, they find themselves enmeshed in a dangerous web of lies and deceit, crime and violent ambition. Hayli must decide how far she will go to save the people she loves, while Tarik must learn just how much he would sacrifice in order to learn the truth. 

       But what they will face will challenge everything they thought they knew, and make them question the true meaning of loyalty and betrayal, love and honor.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Sunday Post #1

       The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

Weekly Recap
       Well, I haven't posted anything this week, or last week. I've only posted one thing this month. Alice in Zombieland Review. I feel kind of disappointed in myself, I haven't been reading much lately. But bare with me guys, I am going to try to post a little more soon!

Currently Reading
       I started reading City of Bones a few weeks ago, but I haven't been able to get very far in it. It's kind of a struggle for me to remain interested in reading it.

Books I Bought 
       I recently went to a bookstore, and like always, I told myself that I was only going to buy one book, and I bought three. So I bought

       Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins

       Legend by Marie Lu

        Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

       All of these books were highly recommended to me, and I think they will prove to be amazing additions to my shelf.

Coming up Next Week
       Sadly, I don't think that I will be able to get a review up next week, unless I finish City of Bones.Which again, sadly, is highly unlikely. I will hopefully get a Teaser Tuesday up on Tuesday.
       I know I haven't been posting Chat With Me Thursdays, I just haven't been getting interview requests. I for one love hosting interviews, and judging buy the amount of view counts and comments on most of my interviews, they are pretty popular, but it only works if authors or book bloggers want/have the time to be interviewed. (If you are a YA author, or blogger and you would like to be interviewed, please visit my Chat With Me Thursday page)

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter

Author: Gena Showalter
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 404
Date Published: September 25 2012
Publisher: Harlequinn Teen

       Alice 'Ali' Bell thinks her father is crazy for saying that he can see monsters. She would give anything to have normal life with her sister, her mother, and a totally normal father. After a car crash, Ali is the only one of her family to survive. That terrible day when Ali lost her family, also marks the first day that Ali ever saw the monsters that her father spent his whole life warning her about. But now Ali is left alone to deal with the monsters. Until she is forced to move in with her Nana and Pops. When she is forced to attend a new school, she meets Cole Holland. A rebellious boy with a lot of rebellious friends, always covered in bruises, missing weeks of school at a time. She also seems to have a strange connection with Cole, sharing visions with him every time they meet each other's eyes. As she gets to know Cole, she finds that he has a lot of dark secrets of his own, and she is determined to find out what they are, even if they cause her life to spiral out of control yet again.

       I love this cover, despite the look on Alice's face. I also love the reference to the original Alice in Wonderland at the bottom where it says 'off with their heads'.

        This book puts a little twist on the original decaying type zombie. Instead, the zombies are infected spirits that have risen from human bodies. Also, not everybody can fight them, if you can see them, to fight them you have to be in spirit form.

       I loved Cole, unfortunately, I can't talk about him too much without revealing everything about him. But I absolutely loved his personality. I loved how much he really did like Alice, and how he helped her as much as he could without overprotective, and also didn't spill spill sugar all over every word that he said to her. I love how he has violet eyes, and not because he is special or something, he has violet eyes just because he was born with them.

Alice in Wonderland References
       This book isn't dripping full of Alice in Wonderland references. The only ones that I could think of was the rabbit, and, well of course the main characters name is Alice.

       I absolutely loved everything about this book, the characters, the story. Everything. Just be warned, this book does mention a few things about sex. Nothing happens, but it is mentioned.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

The Forest of Aisling by D.S Elstad

       I apologize for not posting a review in such a long time. Things have been getting quite busy!

*Received from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Author: D.S Elstad
Format: Paperback
Pages: 440
Date published: December 4 2013
Publisher: Pepper Publishing

       When Willow's grandmother--whom she has never met, dies in Ireland, Willow is forced to accompany her father at the funeral.
       Willow knows nothing of her grandparents, due to a falling out between her father and his parents had years ago. The little bit that Willow has been able to find out about her grandmother has sent her reeling. Before Willow's grandmother died, she housed a secret few people in her life knew about. As it turns out that secret, has just became Willow's life.

       I don't have much to say about the cover other than I really like the font that the cover is in.

       Willow is a really awesome realistic main character most of the time. The only gripe that I had with her was I found that she accepted things a little to quickly sometimes, but other than that I really liked her.

       I LOVED Bram, Willow's love interest. I loved the fact that he is deaf because you don't stumble upon that very often. He lost his hearing when he was eleven, so he still sounds normal when he talks and has no trouble forming words.
       I often find that when a book has a love story, the couple is just so perfect. PEOPLE ARE NEVER PERFECT. Cliche but true, and the fact that Bram have flaws like regular people makes me extremely happy.

Mythology Factors
       The mythology in this book is HUGE do not ignore anything it says about any of the gods.
       Anyway, I love mythology, and if it is Celtic mythology? Yes please
       I liked how wit explained the mythology in this book.It didn't drone on and on for pages, It would explain something, leave it alone for about a chapter, and then go back to it. Giving you time to take it all in.

       This book did have spots where I wanted to stop reading, not completely give up on it, just put it down for a while. Things just stopped happening completely.

       I liked this book a lot, and I would recommend it to people who love mythology, since it offers a great twist on it.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Chat With Me Thursday (5): Author Interview with Ketley Allison

       I can't believe I've been hosting Chat With Me Thursday for a month. Time flies. If you would like to learn more about Chat With Me Thursday, please visit the Chat With Me Thursday page.
       Anyway, today I bring you, Ketley Allison author of Dark Souls!

#1 Could you tell me a bit about yourself?

       Sure! I spent most of my life in Canada, but in high school my family moved to Australia for three years. We came back and lived in California until I went to law school on New York. I fell in love with the city and Iv'e lived here ever since! Now it's me, my diva cat and boyfriend living just over the bridge in Brooklyn.

#2 How did you come up with the idea for dark souls?

      Honestly Iv'e had this idea since I was fourteen. I'd written chapters here and there, but never the whole story. I'd never had the confidence. I'd just dream about it, think about it, scribble something down. Until one day, after a particularly bad day at work I thought "Why aren't I just trying this?" So, I finally did. Three weeks later my first draft was done. Flash forward seven months and Dark Souls was complete. As a not to my fourteen year old self, in Chapter Four you'll see a dream sequence. I wrote that when I was fourteen. I haven't changed a word.

#3 If you had to write this all over again, would you change anything?

       Hmm. I think a lot of writers are never truly done with their books. If you let me, i would probably revise until I pass out! But there comes a time when you have to say good-bye, no matter how much you want to keep going. My biggest change was the setting of my book. It started out in a small town, with Emily in high school and Asher as the new boy. I since changed her into a 19 year old girl living in NYC and boy did it make a difference. So after that huge change, I thought it would be best to give it a rest! Otherwise Emily might end up in Australia or something...

#4 Who has the biggest influence on you?
        I can't just choose one! There have been so many influences, all through growing up,  My parents are first, they've supported me since the beginning. The friends Iv'e grown with, the ones that I made along the way--they've all had a huge influence on me and my writing. In creating characters, I love to take traits from people I know to bring the characters to life. It also makes them a lot more likable! In my books, you'll see a lot of different habits and mannerisms--those are all from people that have made an impact on me, whether they know it or not! :)

#5 Have you ever experienced writer's block? If so, how did you rid yourself of it?

       Oh absolutely. I free write my first drafts, meaning I don't outline. Basically, my first draft is my outline! By doing that, I create a lot of surprises along the way (even to myself),  but it also means that I run into a few walls here and there. Sometimes I don't know where my characters are going. I like to have them guide me instead of the other way around, and that takes time. Usually, if I take a breather, go do something for myself, my characters are ready to go again. They also collect friends along the way, Derek came as a complete surprise to me!

#6 Any advice for aspiring authors?

       Don't give up. Cliche but true. This is a hard niche to get into, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. It just means that you have to work at it, even when the rejections come in, even when you get your first two-star review. No matter it be traditional or self-publishing, never forget that this is your passion. Remind yourself of it if you have to. It isn't easy, and you'll face a lot of critics, but remember with those critics come people who love your book! And most importantly, never stop writing. No matter what.


Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Dark Souls Tour Stop: Spotlight Post

Book Title:Dark Souls
Dark Souls Series
Volume 1
Ketley Allison

Genre: New Adult, Urban Fantasy
Date of Publication: July 19, 2013

ISBN 978-0-615-85755-8
Number of pages 280
Word count: 103, 000

Book Description 
    19-year-old Emily desperately wants a name for what she is. For what is consuming and torturing her. For what is changing her. But she's not crazy like her mother. She's not. Emily may not be as crazy as she thinks, because her body is no longer her own. Something is stirring inside her. It's soft, seductive, and tells her what to do to survive. As Emily learns that he world has been infected by demons that consume human souls and fit seamlessly into the bodies they empty, she must also accept that she is one of them. Yet she is different form the rest, because her darkness didn't inhabit her, it was awakened, and it doesn't just want the humans.

Short Excerpt
       I was never supposed to live.
       At least, that is what my mother would scream at me during her rages, her face twisted into savage fury as she lunged at me--either to kill me or to mutilate me, I could never really tell.
       "You are wrong"
       "You are an abomination" She cried before charging at me, her right arm raised high as if to slay me in one swift, ferocious plunge.
       Yet for reasons that still escape me, she could never make that one final move. She would always stop mid-leap, he face frozen and twisted for a few terrifying seconds before I would see her body slacken, her tendons snapping and releasing like broken cords as she fell heavily to the floor, just before reaching me. What I remember most clearly, was that moment of calm, chilling stillness, just before her legs would collapse beneath her, where her eyes, wide and unblinking, would focus solely on mine. Even when the rage turned into haggard despair, she would never look away.
       That memory, the image of my mother that I could never entirely erase, was the first thing that entered my mind when my world started falling apart.
       The beginning of my destruction started out suspiciously enough. White blurred into back in front of me, the steam rising like smoke and clogging my breath as I stirred, clink, click, clink. My face was heated, too hot, and I swiped a quick hand over my damp brow before I mustered a smile.
       "Here you are"
       "Oh, uh, no. I ordered a white mocha. Not a mocha, mocha."
       I lifted tired eyes to his face, lowering my chin in apology. "Shoot, sorry, just hang on a sec."
       "Yeah well, hurry up would you, I have class in like two minutes."
       Then maybe you shouldn't be stopping three blocks away for some chocolate coffee. My smile didn't transmit my thoughts as I grabbed the steaming cup. I adjusted my apron as I walked back to the coffee station, wincing as the hot cardboard began to scald my fingertips. I swore as the thunked it down on the counter and the coffee hit my hand.
       Holding my hand against my stomach, I used the other to grab a fresh cup and tried to ignore the sounds of impatient patrons behind me.
       What was wrong with me today?
       I felt normal, but not quite. My mind felt thick, my focus slightly wavering on the edges, enough to make me slightly dizzy. I blinked, trying to bring back clarity to both my vision and my thoughts as I fiddled with the espresso machine.Once started, I leaned my head against the cool cabinet doors above, waiting for my heated thick skin to finally cool down.
       "You okay? You look like you have found a hidden portal inside the espresso."
       Marcy Forrester's warm brown eyes were trained on mine as I glanced behind me at here.
       "Is it a portal back in time? 'Cuz I could really use a do-over this morning."
       I squinted, trying hard to focus on her. She went hazy for only a moment before my eyes readjusted.
       "No, I'm fine, it's just been a busy morning." I finally replied as I twisted the dial on the milk steamer. I couldn't even muster up the energy to banter with my best friend like I usually did.
       "You're not seriously stressed are you? You should have seen my morning. I usually bomb Natural Science, but this morning was a particularly epic explosion. Her eyes followed me as I walked past her and dropped the guy's white mocha. In front of him.

(The rest of this got cut off because of a picture that I couldn't move. I apologize.) 

About the Author
       Ketley Allison is twenty-something (maybe almost thirty-something) who believes that super natural love shouldn't stop at eighteen. She began her career writing books as birthday presents for her friends (with her friend as the main character opposite a super sexy lead, of course.) before ending it to walk down a path that she thought she was supposed to follow.
       The writing bug never left her--and in fact, would often bleed into the official papers she was supposed to write--so now Ketley is putting down her suit and finally following her dream. While her friends are no longer the stars of her books, she still throws bits and pieces of them into each and every one of her characters.
       As a result, her books tend to focus on friendships as well as love, because let's face it, friends are really what get you through--especially when your epic love turns into epic heartbreak.

Web Blog: here

Twitter: @KetleyAllison

Ketley's Facebook: here

Goodreads: here

Friday, 13 September 2013

Chat With Me Thursday (4): Author Interview with Angela McPherson

       Chat With Me Thursday is a weekly event hosted here by ME. Every Thursday, I will interview a author or a blogger. If you would like to be interviewed, pleas visit my Chat With Me Thursday page. If you would like to have Chat With Me Thursday on your blog, All I ask is that you link back to my blog :)
       On this Thursday err-Friday. I bring you an interview with the author of Hope's Decree Angela McPherson

#1 How long did it take you to write Hope's Decree?

       It took me three years to write Hope's Decree, and the version now is so different from back then. It is so amazing how much I've grown since then...thank goodness. LOL

#2 How long have you known you wanted to publish a book?

       When I started writing Hope's Decree, three years ago, that was when I realized I wanted to be published. But not just to see my name on a book (it's an added bonus), but I wanted to give at least one person a world they could enjoy falling into.
#3 Are any of the characters in your book based on real people in your life?

       No, not really, but my youngest daughter claims the book is about her. Her name is also Trinity, and she says the chick on the cover even looks like her (it's the blonde hair). Her brother and sister just roll their eyes at her now. I've created a monster. LOL. One of my best friends, Crystal, inspired that character, even down to the looks. Though her personality is more like Keri than Crystal. Okay, so I guess I should change my answer to yes.

#4 Who is your biggest inspiration?

       Aside from the man upstairs, I'd say my kids, along with every single lover-er of YA paranormal romance. 

#5 For you, what is the most difficult part of writing?

       I have tons of ideas floating around in my head. Sorting those ideas out can be frustrating. I think the most difficult part though is getting everything down and not worrying over the order (writing out of order is hard for me). Until I get it just right, I can't move on. It drives me insane. 

#6 Any advice for aspiring authors?

       Never give up. Keep going. Use spell check. Have friends and anyone else you know read your work. Believe in yourself. NEVER GIVE UP! 

       And there you have it. Check out Angela's book now! I have yet to read it but it sounds amazing.

Friday, 6 September 2013

The Great Debate! #1 Ebook vs. Print Book.

       Recently, I thought that it would be fun if I got together with somebody that blogs, and made a post on something. So I contacted Katie Cohen over at the-quiet-girl-talks. And asked her if she would like to help me with a post about debating eBooks vs physical books.
       I am going to share my thoughts on why I think a physical book is better, and Katie is going to share her thoughts on why she thinks that eBooks are better.

Print Books
       I have made my argument into a list:

       #1. You can read printed books outside in the sun. When you try to read a eBook in the sun, the screen goes all dark and you can't see any of the words.

      #2. Printed books don't break as easily. If you drop your  book on the floor, you don't really have to worry about it being broken. You just pick it up without a second thought. Whereas if you  drop a eReader on the ground. You generally become pretty worried that you broke it.  

       #3. You don't need anything to other than the book if you want to read.-- This one is pretty simple. If you want to read a printed book, all you need is the book. Well and the ability to read of course.

    #4 You can share them. If somebody I know wants to borrow one of my books off my shelf, I can lend it to them and then I can lend it to a whole bunch of other people if I wanted. Don't really have that option with an eBook do you?

     #5 You can read print books on a plane. If you were on a plane, and you brought your eReader for the flight, you wouldn't be able to use it. You would have to turn it off. Then oops, you don't have a book to read

     #(Not as big a deal) But books just look so nice on shelves.-- I just love looking over at my bookshelf and seeing all the beautiful PRINTED books on the shelves :)

       And on to Katie!

they're so convenient! Here are the pros to eBooks:
- If you're like me, then you never travel without books. So you could either bring ten big, heavy print books that will be knocked around in your luggage,orrr you could bring a super light and small eReader with 100 books on it! The answer seems pretty obvious to me.

- Say you've decided to finally read 50 Shades of Grey. Do you really want to go to the bookstore and have everyone judge you? Do you want to be restricted to reading it alone in your room? No! Well if you have the eBook, then you can read your smut, I mean book, wherever you want!

- BOOK SAMPLES! Have you ever bought a book and then ended up not liking it? Well problem solved, just read a sample and hopefully you can tell whether it's for you or not! Then you're not spending money on something you don't like.

- 99% of the time, eBooks are way cheaper! There are so many amazing books for under five dollars, where you'd be paying 20 for the print version. And for people who read a lot like me, saving money is definitely a big pro.

- LESS TIME! You're on the fourth book in the Vampire Academy series and you need to know what happens NOW! All you have to do is click a button, and BAM, you have the next book in under 60 seconds! Is that awesome or what? And when a new book comes out, you can get it right when it's released! No more waiting.

- They're physically easier to read. With eBooks, it's so much easier to get comfy:)

- You can read in the dark! Most eReaders light up so you can easily read at night. Then you save energy by not having the lights on, you won't wake anybody up, and you can read peacefully before going to sleep.

- You can't read and eat when you have a print book, or else you have to keep trying to hold the pages down and it's super annoying and difficult. But with an eBook, you only need one hand or you could even prop it up on something so you don't need to hold it at all! What's better than books and food!?

- You can take notes and highlight easily for a review.

- You can change the size and font.

- No paper cuts!

- They save trees!