I usually never do monthly recaps because I never feel that I have enough posts, but this month I have done 17, so I guess it's okay.
Books I Reviewed
~Fever by Lauren DeStefano (here)
~Kiera's Quest by Kristy Brown (here)
~Rouge by Isabella Modra (here)
~The Cat Food Chronicles by Maya Pruett (here)
Chat With Me Thursday Author Interviews
~Rouge author Isabella Modra (here)
Chat With Me Thursday Blogger Interviews
~ Jazmen (here)
~Katie Cohen (here)
Most Popular Post: Chat With Me Thursday #3: Blogger Interview with Katie Cohen
Least Popular Post: Teaser Tuesday #2: Sever (here)
All in all, I think it has been a pretty productive month :)
Saturday, 31 August 2013
Friday, 30 August 2013
Look at My New Books!
I went to to the bookstore today, (which automatically makes my day better) and bought some books, four books to be exact. I bought...
Let me tell you a wonderful story about my purchase of The Mortal Instruments books. I originally came just to buy The City of Bones, then I saw how expensive it was, It would have come to at least $30.00 dollars with tax, to me that's outrageous. Very rarely will I pay 30.00 for a book that is not even in hardcover. It's just not happening, but just this once, I gave in. I've been wanting to read this book for a while, and I caved.
While as I was going to pay for the book, the man at the cash says,
"We have a box set here, I could get it for you if you like, it's on sale."
I was sure he was about to try to sell me a box set that's priced at $70.00, and I was all prepared to turn him down. Then he tells me the price is $22.00. It's 50% off, and it's $22.00. I couldn't refuse it. I could have payed the same price for one book, or get three of them. What amazes me is that the guy could have let me pay $30.00, and he could have made a bigger sale. But he showed me the set and made less of a profit. He has made me a very happy customer. :)
I am very excited to read all of these books. The Mortal Instruments have such a huge hype over them right now with the movie out, and I really want to see if the books deserve all the hype that they are getting. It could be another book like the Maze Runner for me. So much hype, and I felt like I was the only one that didn't like it. As for Alice in Zombieland, It seems really intriguing, I love when people put spins on classic tales such as Alice in Wonderland. As soon as I finish reading Wicked Hunger and one other book, I'm going to start these ones, and I must say, I am BURSTING with excitement.
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Chat With Me Thursday #3: Blogger Interview With Katie Cohen
So on this wonderful Thursday, I bring you a blogger interview with Katie Cohen from the-quiet-girl-talks!
#1 When and why did you start blogging?
I just made my blog a little over a month ago, and that's when I started blogging. I've always love to read, but this year I have been reading a lot and I found so many new and amazing books I now love. I wanted to give other people a chance to love them too. :)
#2 If you had to pick one character from a book to meet in real life who would it be?
hmmm tough one...probably Adrian Ivashkov from Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series. He's just so lovable! He's sweet, sexy, cocky, and would do anything for the people that he loves.
#4 What is one book you wish everybody should read?
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins!
#5 What is your favorite quote?
“I spent my life folded between the pages of books. In the absence of human relationships I formed bonds with paper characters. I lived love and loss through stories threaded in history; I experienced adolescence by association. My world is one interwoven web of words, stringing limb to limb, bone to sinew, thoughts and images all together. I am a being comprised of letters, a character created by sentences, a figment of imagination formed through fiction.” – Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi (amazing book!)
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
You Can Now Follow Me On Bloglovin!
I just made a Bloglovin. It gives people another way to follow me so I thought
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
YAY! Thanks Jazmen
Why not?
Anyway, keep in mind that I just made a Bloglovin literally, five minutes ago, so bear with me. Also, let me let you in on a little secret. *Whispers*
I didn't know how to claim my blog on Bloglovin.
I said it. Are you guys happy? I hope you are. I just admitted my deep dark secret! The only reason I now know how to claim my blog, is because of this wonderful blogger named Jazmen over at ThisGirReadsA lot who I messaged on Goodreads, asking for her help, and because she is awesome, she sent me to a link that explained how to claim your blog in easy step by step instructions WITH PICTURES! If you're like me, and you don't understand how to claim your blog, click on THIS LINK and I promise it will help.
YAY! Thanks Jazmen
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Top Ten Tuesday: Favorurite Secondary Characters
Top Ten Tuesday's is a weekly meme hosted by the ladies over at The Broke and The Bookish
So, todays list is my top ten*ahem* five, favourite seconday characters. Let us get to it then!
*Not in any paticular order
So, todays list is my top ten*ahem* five, favourite seconday characters. Let us get to it then!
#1 Uriah from Divergent
#2 Kenji from Shatter Me and Unravel Me
#3 Lily from Shoulder in the Sky
#4 Lily from Variant
#5 Newt from The Maze Runner
Monday, 26 August 2013
A to Z Bookish Survey
Today's wonderful post is the A to Z Bookish Thursday, This post is originally from The Perpetual Pageturner
The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong. I had tried to read some of her other books in the past, and I just couldn't get into them, but I am really glad that I read The Darkest Powers Trilogy.
Hidden gem book:
Ruby Holler by Sharon Creech. It's a middle grade book, but it was entertaining.
Important moment in your reading life:
When I was small, I remember reading a Magic Treehouse Book. I think it was Saber-tooth At Sunset by Mary Pope Osborne. After finishing that book in a day, I discovered my love of reading.
You know what's cool, I can remember things from when I was 7, but you know, tomorrow, I'll probably forget what I had for breakfast.
Just finished:
The Fall of Venus by Daelynn Quinn
Kinds of books I won't read:
Any book that only focuses on a relationship. I'm also not that big on mysteries but the occasional one is okay.
Longest book you've read:
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Sthol. (563 pages)
Major book hangover because of:
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. Do I even need to explain?
Number of bookcases you own:
None. I have 2 singular shelves drilled onto my wall
One book you have read multiple times:
Keeping The Moon by Sarah Dessen. Confession time, Keeping The Moon is the only Sarah Dessen book I have ever read.
Preferred place to read:
In my room. On my bed...So comfy.
Quote that inspires you /gives you all the feels from a book you've read:
"Fear doesn't shut you down; it wakes you up. I've seen it. It's fascinating. Sometimes I want to see it again. Want to see you awake.--Tobias/Four. Divergent by Veronica Roth
Reading Regret:
Ummm. I don't think I have one.
Series I started and need to finish: (All the books are out in the series.)
I honestly can't think of one.
Three of your all--time favorite books:
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi
This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers
Unapologetic Fangirl for:
Veronica Roth, author of Divergent and Insurgent
Very excited for this release more others:
Allegiant by Veronica Roth, or Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi. SOOOOO excited for these awesome conclusions.
Worst bookish habit:
Saying to myself,
"Just one more chapter, and then I'll sleep." It will always end at 5 in the morning with my finished book in my hands. I mean, who needs more than 2 hours of sleep? Sleep is for the weak.
X marks the spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick up the 27th book:
That would be The Golden Compass by Philup Pullman. Still haven't read it. I really need to get my priorities straight.
Your latest purchase:
Thirteen Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson.
ZZZ-snatcher book (Last book that kept you up waaaaay too late)
Rouge by Isabella Modra. Review here
I hope you enjoyed this. I had a lot of fun filling it out! Feel free to join in. :)
Author you have read the most books from:
Uhh...Going to have to say Carrie Jones. I have read 5 of her books. I haven't really gotten into any huge series'.
Best sequel ever:
Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi
Currently reading:
Fever by Lauren DeStefano
Drink of choice while reading:
Wait. What? people actually have a drink that they specifically drink while reading? Well...I don't know, not necessarily during reading, but I'm usually drinking, water, iced-tea, or coke.
E-reader or Physical book:
Physical book all the way. Nothing like the feeling of a book in your hands
Fictional character you probably would have actually dated in high school:
Can I choose two? I'm choosing two.
Adam (Shatter Me Trilogy)
Tobias/Four (Divergent Trilogy)
Too bad they are fictional characters. *Sigh*
Glad you gave this book a chance:
The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong. I had tried to read some of her other books in the past, and I just couldn't get into them, but I am really glad that I read The Darkest Powers Trilogy.
Hidden gem book:
Ruby Holler by Sharon Creech. It's a middle grade book, but it was entertaining.
Important moment in your reading life:
When I was small, I remember reading a Magic Treehouse Book. I think it was Saber-tooth At Sunset by Mary Pope Osborne. After finishing that book in a day, I discovered my love of reading.
You know what's cool, I can remember things from when I was 7, but you know, tomorrow, I'll probably forget what I had for breakfast.
Just finished:
The Fall of Venus by Daelynn Quinn
Kinds of books I won't read:
Any book that only focuses on a relationship. I'm also not that big on mysteries but the occasional one is okay.
Longest book you've read:
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Sthol. (563 pages)
Major book hangover because of:
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. Do I even need to explain?
Number of bookcases you own:
None. I have 2 singular shelves drilled onto my wall
One book you have read multiple times:
Keeping The Moon by Sarah Dessen. Confession time, Keeping The Moon is the only Sarah Dessen book I have ever read.
Preferred place to read:
In my room. On my bed...So comfy.
Quote that inspires you /gives you all the feels from a book you've read:
"Fear doesn't shut you down; it wakes you up. I've seen it. It's fascinating. Sometimes I want to see it again. Want to see you awake.--Tobias/Four. Divergent by Veronica Roth
Reading Regret:
Ummm. I don't think I have one.
Series I started and need to finish: (All the books are out in the series.)
I honestly can't think of one.
Three of your all--time favorite books:
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi
This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers
Unapologetic Fangirl for:
Veronica Roth, author of Divergent and Insurgent
Very excited for this release more others:
Allegiant by Veronica Roth, or Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi. SOOOOO excited for these awesome conclusions.
Worst bookish habit:
Saying to myself,
"Just one more chapter, and then I'll sleep." It will always end at 5 in the morning with my finished book in my hands. I mean, who needs more than 2 hours of sleep? Sleep is for the weak.
X marks the spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick up the 27th book:
That would be The Golden Compass by Philup Pullman. Still haven't read it. I really need to get my priorities straight.
Your latest purchase:
Thirteen Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson.
ZZZ-snatcher book (Last book that kept you up waaaaay too late)
Rouge by Isabella Modra. Review here
I hope you enjoyed this. I had a lot of fun filling it out! Feel free to join in. :)
Saturday, 24 August 2013
The Fall Of Venus by Daelynn Quinn
![]() |
Very sorry about the blurriness of this cover. If your wondering it says 'The Fall Of Venus and it has an infinity fly on it. :) |
Author: Daelynn Quinn
Format: Paperback
Date published: July 19 2013
Publisher: Createspace independent Publishing Platform
Pollen and Marcus
I knew this was going to happen. Regardless of the fact that Pollen is engaged. I knew it. I am quite happy with the fact that although Pollen feels as though she knows Marcus, they don't just start being all couple-y. I extremely liked the fact that for a little while Marcus refused to become involved with her because he didn't want to be used an thrown away.
Oh Glenn, such mixed feelings I have about you. One minute he is doing something completely stupid and betraying people, the next minute he's like:
"Oh Pollen! I know I crossed the line (Again) but I want you to know that I will always care about you."
Alright cool Glenn, you know what you should do? pick a side and stick to it. Thanks.
I loved learning about Crimson it was really interesting. Also, while you are learning about Crimson, the author makes everything relatively easy to follow, which is always good.
I really liked the concept of this book, and the story is easy to follow and really interesting to read .
Format: Paperback
Date published: July 19 2013
Publisher: Createspace independent Publishing Platform
After a virus that has wiped out 93% of the population, Pollen wakes up in the woods and doesn't remember much of the past few weeks. Pollen has no idea why she is in the woods nor does she know why she has a tattoo on the side of her face, but she is determined to stay alive and away from bounty the bounty hunters that will stop at nothing to capture her. She soon meets Marcus, a boy in the same situation as her, and together they try to come up with a plan to rescue her niece, Evie from a refugee camp that different intentions then they let everybody know
OHHHHH so that's what an infinity fly looks like. It was described pretty well in the book, I was just trying to figure out how the eyes form the infinity symbol, but yeah, it makes sense now.
Pollen and Marcus
I knew this was going to happen. Regardless of the fact that Pollen is engaged. I knew it. I am quite happy with the fact that although Pollen feels as though she knows Marcus, they don't just start being all couple-y. I extremely liked the fact that for a little while Marcus refused to become involved with her because he didn't want to be used an thrown away.
Oh Glenn, such mixed feelings I have about you. One minute he is doing something completely stupid and betraying people, the next minute he's like:
"Oh Pollen! I know I crossed the line (Again) but I want you to know that I will always care about you."
Alright cool Glenn, you know what you should do? pick a side and stick to it. Thanks.
I loved learning about Crimson it was really interesting. Also, while you are learning about Crimson, the author makes everything relatively easy to follow, which is always good.
I really liked the concept of this book, and the story is easy to follow and really interesting to read .
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Chat With Me Thursday #2: Blogger Interview with Jazmen
For the second Chat With Me Thursday ever, I am going to be interviewing Jazmen from ThisGirlReadsAlot.
1. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging first and foremost because I love books. I've loved them since I have been able to read. I was never the kid who got toys, I always got books so I guess in some ways I have had no choice but to become a bookworm. Blogging allows me to both read and write and they are both my biggest passions.
2. What is the first book you remember reading
One of the first books I remember reading was Little Monsters by Mercer Meyer. I loved those books when I was younger. I was always begging my mom to buy me another. My appetite for those books was insatiable.
3. What was the last book you read
The last book I read was Almost by Anne Eliot. I absolutely loved it, and highly recommend it.
4. What is your favorite book genre?
Favorite book genre? definitely Dystopia. I can't really put into words why but with books like the Hunger Games and Divergent, I think that is explanation enough.
5. If you could jump into one book what would it be
If I could jump into any book, I would have to pick any of the Archers of Avalon series books. Why? because I would make out with Tristan
Thanks for the interview Jazmen!
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Teaser Tuesday (3): Sever
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by MizB of Should be Reading.
Anyone can participate in Teaser Tuesdays. Just do the following:
• Grab your read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• Be careful not to include spoilers!
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your
Today I am bringing you teasers from Sever by Lauren DeStafano!
#1. "He's right, to die trying would be better than dying without a purpose."
#2 "I think a strong wind would come and blow her hair across her face, and when it receded she'd be gone."
From page 172 of Sever by Lauren DeStafano
Anyone can participate in Teaser Tuesdays. Just do the following:
• Grab your read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• Be careful not to include spoilers!
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your
Today I am bringing you teasers from Sever by Lauren DeStafano!
#1. "He's right, to die trying would be better than dying without a purpose."
#2 "I think a strong wind would come and blow her hair across her face, and when it receded she'd be gone."
From page 172 of Sever by Lauren DeStafano
Saturday, 17 August 2013
The Cat Food Chronicles by Maya Pruett
Callie Bryant, Hollywood's soon to be superstar, comes to town to play the role of Juliet in the long awaited production of Romeo and Juliet... The rock opera.
Tragically, Callie dies on stage. But then come Lily, Holly, Spooky, and Detective Richardson: Two psychic sisters, one psychic cat, and a detective, get together determined to solve the crime.
Lily & Holly
I liked Lily and Holly, I mean, they are psychic twins, and they they own a makeup/salon place! Plus, they are both quite nice most of the time. I'm slightly jealous of them...
The cover is pretty plain, but the paw print in the C is cute.Seeing Through Spooky's Eyes
You see this story through the phychic cats eyes, which is different I guess, but it is kind of hard to follow. I think I would have preferred the story to be told through Lily or Holly
The first thing that I need to mention is the grammar. I kept catching obvious mistakes. I'm not talking about a few missing commas, I'm talking about not using the correct version of your/you're or even no/know. The grammar started out fine, but once I caught one mistake, it went downhill.
I found this book to have way too many cute back-stories that distract from the actual story at hand. Spooky (the cat/protagonist) would go on and on for pages about what her favourite food was. It's fine to quickly mention things like that, and then come back to the story, but Spooky would constantly ramble on and on about a whole bunch of pointless things.
I really had a tough time finishing this book. It was hard to get into the mystery of it because of all the back stories. It had a lot of potential to become a fun and quirky book, but alas it did not live up to that potential.
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Chat With Me Thursday #1: Interview With Isabella Modra
Hey everybody! Today I am doing a my very first Chat With Me Thursday. (Visit my Chat With Me Thursday page for more details.) Anyway today I am doing an interview with Isabella Modra, author of Rouge. (Review here) Anyway, lets get to it.
1. Could you tell me a little about yourself?
Sure. First things first; I do not belong in this generation. I honestly think that I should be immortal or something, because I would love to live in the 20s, but I would also fit in the 70s because I have a very free spirit and my friends sometimes describe me on a 'hippie'. I'm obsessed with 70s and 80s music and clothing. I am very much between fiction and reality-- being a writer that is sort of a given. But dreaming, to me, is part of everyday life. I want to see the world, I want to meet amazing people, and I want, at the end of my life, to be satisfied that I have given everything and used up of every bit of talent that I have.
On a less personal note, I love movies, I play guitar, I am a part--time nanny, I see travel as part of my career and I drink tea and eat chocolate like you breathe air
2. How long did it take you to write Rouge?
Interestingly enough Rouge was a random idea I made up with my friend. We were on the school bus 2 years ago discussing awesome superpowers -- like the nerds that we are-- and came up with the character of Hunter. I'd been writing as a hobby since I was thirteen, and I so I was excited at the prospect of writing about superheroes. From there, it was just a matter of fitting it between school, work and travel. In total, it was just under 2 years before I officially completed it.
3. Out of all the paranormal-ish abilities out there, why pyrokinesis?
I just wanted a badass heroine with a hot superpower. What's more hot then fire? Sure, it's not exactly the most defensive superpower and she isn't completely protected from harm, but that is what makes it fun. And I love the prospect of the fire reacting to her emotions, and especially when things start to get a little steamy withe her boyfriend Eli ;)
4. Who was the most challenging character to write about?
Defiantly Joshua. I didn't write much in his POV because I didn't want to give anything about his personality away. (you have to read the book to understand that!.) But he is such a unique and complicated person, and not somebody I would usually invent, so I struggled to find his voice and get a grip on his motives. Once I found that, it was much easier, and very very amusing. He is one of my favorites.
5. Do you have any weird habits while writing?
Oh dear. I can't believe I'm admitting this. Writing comes naturally to me, so I don't have any weird habits -- The words just flow through my fingers. But when I edit, or re-read a passage, I sometimes read aloud in an accent. Usually American or British. I have NO idea why. I guess it's just entertaining, and it helps me visualize the scene in somebody else's perspective other than my own. Also, my characters are American, so it helps me put myself in their shoes.
6. Any advice for aspiring authors
This is weird because in my eyes, I still consider myself an aspiring author. So my advice to my fellow aspiring authors is to concentrate more on your story than publishing or getting your book out there. I made the mistake of thinking my book was ready and hastily sent out queries to agents. I received 6 rejections and 1 no-reply, because it just wasn't the right time. Then -- after going over my book again and again -- I decided to take matters into my own hands, and I don't regret that at all, because it put the pressure on me to really be sure if my book was ready or not. I don't have an agent to tell me that it sucks or a publisher to make me change things. It's my decision, and that scares the crap out of me. So you have to really be sure that your book is complete, that there's nothing you need to add or change, and that you love your story to bits. That is the most important part.
7. If you could write a fortune for a fortune cookie what would it say?
"S.O.S -- I'm being held against my will at a Chinese bakery."
Once again, Thank you so much for being my very first interview Isabella, It was so much fun!
Monday, 12 August 2013
Rouge by Isabella Modra
Author: Isabella Modra
Format: Pdf.
Pages: 293
Publish Date: August 20, 2013
Published By: Isabella Modra
Author's Website: Isabella's Website
*Received from the author in exchange for an honest review.
When Hunter's guardian Joshua tells her that she has inherited pyrokinesis from her long dead mother, it seems impossible, but it does make sense. When Hunter is experiencing very strong emotions, things seem to spontaneously catch on fire. But really? Pyrokinesis? It's a little hard to grasp. Then Joshua explains another long hidden secret: What really happened the night of her parents death. Now burdened with all these hidden secrets, plus a new power that she has to learn to control, while also keeping it a secret. Hunter is struggling to hold on to the little bit of normalcy that she had before her life started spinning out of control.
Sometimes, I wanted to run up to Hunter and give her a hi-five, other times I wanted to scream at her. For example, in the beginning of the book before she learned of all this crazy stuff, she met Eli while at a university benefit party for Joshua. After Joshua received his award for his efforts, Hunter thought it would be the best idea ever to leave with Eli and go get a coffee. What?! Why would you even consider leaving? You were at the benefit to support Joshua, and so you leave. Anyway, I liked Hunter...most of the time.
Is this not the coolest cover that you have ever seen? It's one of the coolest I've ever seen.
The Fire Talks!
Yes. The fire talks. It was a really cool addition to the story. The fire does't have an actual voice or anything. It talks to Hunter inside her mind. It was awesome. Sometimes it will comment on things that Hunter has done in her daily life. Things like,
"That was dumb Hunter."
"Hunter, calm down."
I knew it. Not that the ending was predictable, but within the book it hints at what the ending could be, and I just happened to put everything together before Hunter had officially figured it out. Even then, it still had a few twists that I wasn't expecting. I was very happy with the ending.
How many pretties do I have to put before please for you to publish a sequel? Even though this book is still technically not even released yet...
This book was amazing. I loved this book so much that I am considering even buying a physical copy of the book when it is released. Trust me, for me to read a book twice, it has to be pretty amazing. So, CONGRATULATIONS ISABELLA. You have written a book awesome enough for me to read it twice.
Sunday, 11 August 2013
I'm Being Featured!
Alright first, I know I haven't been posting a lot of reviews lately, but a new review will be up tomorrow, I promise. Anyway, on to the big news. I'M BEING FEATURED. I'm being featured by Jazmen at ThisGirlReadsAlot You can find the interview here
Thanks for featuring me Jazmen!
Saturday, 10 August 2013
Kiera's Quest: Awakenings by Kristy Bown
Published By: MuseItUp
*Received from the author in exchange for honest review
Kiera leads a pretty normal life, she has a small group of friends, and lives with her uncle, in a small town. Although, she always feels that something is missing. For years she has been dreaming of a different world. She gets chased by an unseen force, that is always getting closer and closer to catching her. But somebody always saves her. For years the same person has been saving her. It shouldn't matter though, because those are just dreams. Then she unintentionally meets Zakk. He is the prince of the world of Zantar, but the Witch Queen, has put a curse on him, turning him into a doll, so that she can rule the kingdom, and turn it into what ever evil thing that she desires.
Even though Kiera just met Zakk, she somehow feel so connected to him. Like they have known each other forever, and she knows she has to help him.
I don't really like the cover, I mean I guess it's just because I don't like the way the shadow looks, but at least the shadow is trying to make the cover look kind of spooky
The Witch Queen
I wish that this book offered up a little bit of back story for the Witch Queen. Like maybe how she went about becoming the Witch Queen. Why did she want to rule Zantar so badly. This is a series though, so maybe you'll learn more about her in the sequel and so on.
Zakk and Kiera
I know what you are thinking. Whenever you come across a book that with a male and female that have some sort of connection, you think,
"Oh yay! insta-love! I'm so excited for the to declare their love for each other on the 20th page!"
That is what I thought was going to happen, too. I am happy to be able to say that, that is most defiantly not what happened. In fact, nothing really romantic happens between them at all.
This book was short, (only 75 pages) but pretty good. I would recommend this to younger teens that just want to get started in YA books, and that don't want something that is too complicated.
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Cover+Title Reveal of Shatter Me #3
Okay guys, I know I already posted a review of Fever by Lauren DeStafeno today, and I normally don't do two posts in one day, but I couldn't resist! I mean COME ON THIS IS IMPORTANT STUFF! Alright anyway, moving on, moving on!
Earlier today, the cover and title of Shatter Me #3 was released. If you have read my reviews for the Shatter Me books, you would know I can't get enough of them and that, I, Sibella Asher, am an extremely proud owner of both of them. And so, the title of Shatter Me #3 is... *DRUM ROLL*
Earlier today, the cover and title of Shatter Me #3 was released. If you have read my reviews for the Shatter Me books, you would know I can't get enough of them and that, I, Sibella Asher, am an extremely proud owner of both of them. And so, the title of Shatter Me #3 is... *DRUM ROLL*
Ignite Me
Apparently, this title had been suggested several times because Warner showed Juliette his 'ignite' tattoo. I personally love he title. I'm glad that they stuck with all the titles ending in 'me.' Although, I am probably the only one that cares...
I love all of the covers in this trilogy. I liked how they took the 'eye on the cover' trend to a different level and made them look unique. I know you are dying to see a picture of it, so here it is!
I love the flowers on this cover. Makes me think of butterflies and happiness. *Sigh* And those colors! WOW!
Full Info
Publication Date: February 14, 2014
Juliette now knows she may be the only one who can stop the Reestablishment. But to take them down, she’ll need the help of the one person she never thought she could trust: Warner. And as they work together, Juliette will discover that everything she thought she knew—about Warner, her abilities, and even Adam—was wrong.
In Shatter Me, Tahereh Mafi created a captivating and original story that combined the best of dystopian and paranormal and was praised by Publishers Weekly as “a gripping read from an author who’s not afraid to take risks." The sequel, Unravel Me, blew readers away with heart-racing twists and turns, and New York Times bestselling author Kami Garcia said it was “dangerous, sexy, romantic, and intense.” Now this final book brings the series to a shocking and climactic end.
Fever by Lauren DeStafeno
Author: Lauren DeStafanoFormat: Hardcover
Pages 371
Date Published: March 22, 2011
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers
*I tried as hard as I could to keep spoilers out, but it was difficult!
Rhine and Gabriel have escaped from the mansion and have hit shore. Rhine remembers something that she seems to have forgotten while being confined at the mansion: This world is cruel, and it is not going to change. All Rhine knows, is that she needs to find her brother Rowan. She needs to know that he is safe. When they reach Manhattan, everything is going as well as it could be, and then out of nowhere, Rhine gets sick with a high fever, that shows no sign of breaking. Medication isn't helping. Sleep isn't doing anything for her pain. No body has any answers. The one word on everybody's mind is: Why?
Other than Rhine, Gabriel, and Maddie (A little girl that they unintentionally brought with them, on the way to Manhattan.) the characters roles in the book are short and fleeting, because the Rhine and Gabriel don't stay anywhere long. I liked most of them, but they are all more or less the same. I missed the different personalities that are in Wither (Review of Wither here)
I liked how Jenna, Rhine's dead sister wife, still plays a part in this story, you learn a lot about the secrets that died with her, and that was really cool.
Scarlet District
The Scarlet District is the first place they end up stopping on the way to Manhattan. It is an old circus, now inhabited by young girls who have become prostitutes. The leader of this is known as Madame. A first generation covered in jewels and perfume. All the girls that are being sold are worn and tattered. So of course Madame jumps at the chance to have a new girl, that is fresh and beautiful. I was confused as to why Rhine was so surprised when Madame told her that she would have to "perform." I mean, did Rhine truly think that she was going to be allowed to stay if she didn't do anything?
This ending was great. It will leave you wanting so much more! I am so excited to read Sever. The final installment!!!
I really liked this book. I was never really bored while reading it, and the ending tied it all together. In fact, in a lot of ways, I enjoyed this book more than I enjoyed the first installment.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Teaser Tuesday (2): Fever
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by MizB of Should be Reading.
Anyone can participate in Teaser Tuesdays. Just do the following:
• Grab your read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• Be careful not to include spoilers!
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Anyone can participate in Teaser Tuesdays. Just do the following:
• Grab your read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• Be careful not to include spoilers!
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teasers:
#1 I slide down the tongue that stretches into a dark cavern
#2 All I can smell, once again, is the charred air and Madame's many perfumes.
From page 73 of Fever by Lauren DeStefano
Saturday, 3 August 2013
Seven Deadly Sins Tag
Greed-- What is your most expensive book? What is your least expensive book?
~Inexpensive: Fallen by Lauren Kate. $5.00
I'm so glad I bought this on sale instead of paying full price. I didn't really like the book all that much.
~Most expensive: Insurgent by Veronica Roth. $20.00
I didn't mind paying $20 for this book. It's hardcover, so it is automatically more expensive, and the book is quite large. At 525 pages. Anyway, I loved this book to death. Paying $20.00 for it really isn't a problem.
Wrath--What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?
~Kelley Armstrong. I am obsessed with the Darkest Powers Trilogy! It was just so good! After reading that trilogy, I tried to get into The Otherworld Series. I just couldn't do it.
Gluttony-- What book have you deliciously devoured over and over with no shame whatsoever?
~Divergent by Veronica Roth. I have no shame. I love these books too much to care.
Sloth--What book have you neglected to read due to laziness?
~The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman. I will read this. I will, I will, I will.
Pride--What book do you most talk about to sound like an intellectual reader?
I'm going to change this one a bit. The book I talk about the most is...
~Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. I just, I can't even, this book is great. If you haven't read it, you need to. NOW.
Lust--What do you find most attractive in male and female characters?
~Male: I like male characters best when they are nice and brave.
~Female: I love it when female characters are independent, brave, and strong.
Envy-- What book would you most like to receive as a gift?
Not sure if this counts, since the book hasn't been released yet but:
~Allegiant by Veronica Roth. It just so happens to come out right before my birthday, *hint, hint*
As for a book that has already been released,
~The Outsiders by S.E Hilton. I read this book a while ago, but man it was amazing.
Or I would love to receive:
~North of Beautiful by Justina Chen. I have not read this book, I would, but I can't find a copy anywhere.
You can post your answers in the comments, or you could make our own post. HAVE FUN :)
~Inexpensive: Fallen by Lauren Kate. $5.00
I'm so glad I bought this on sale instead of paying full price. I didn't really like the book all that much.
~Most expensive: Insurgent by Veronica Roth. $20.00
I didn't mind paying $20 for this book. It's hardcover, so it is automatically more expensive, and the book is quite large. At 525 pages. Anyway, I loved this book to death. Paying $20.00 for it really isn't a problem.
Wrath--What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?
~Kelley Armstrong. I am obsessed with the Darkest Powers Trilogy! It was just so good! After reading that trilogy, I tried to get into The Otherworld Series. I just couldn't do it.
Gluttony-- What book have you deliciously devoured over and over with no shame whatsoever?
~Divergent by Veronica Roth. I have no shame. I love these books too much to care.
Sloth--What book have you neglected to read due to laziness?
~The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman. I will read this. I will, I will, I will.
Pride--What book do you most talk about to sound like an intellectual reader?
I'm going to change this one a bit. The book I talk about the most is...
~Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. I just, I can't even, this book is great. If you haven't read it, you need to. NOW.
Lust--What do you find most attractive in male and female characters?
~Male: I like male characters best when they are nice and brave.
~Female: I love it when female characters are independent, brave, and strong.
Envy-- What book would you most like to receive as a gift?
Not sure if this counts, since the book hasn't been released yet but:
~Allegiant by Veronica Roth. It just so happens to come out right before my birthday, *hint, hint*
As for a book that has already been released,
~The Outsiders by S.E Hilton. I read this book a while ago, but man it was amazing.
Or I would love to receive:
~North of Beautiful by Justina Chen. I have not read this book, I would, but I can't find a copy anywhere.
You can post your answers in the comments, or you could make our own post. HAVE FUN :)
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