Friday, 1 January 2021

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody. I'm pretty sure I speak for everybody when I say that 2020 was a hard year to get through, and I'm glad that it's over. I hope everybody had a fun and safe New Year's Eve, and that 2021 treats you well!

In December, just as I predicted, I didn't post as much as I did in October and November. I only posted 5 times, and only two of those were reviews, but the holidays are always a busy time. I'm surprised I even got two reviews posted at all.

I did surpass my Goodreads Reading Challenge goal. Since I only started reading again in October, my goal was a humble 10 books, but I ended up reading 13, and a total of 3,883 pages.

I set my 2021 goal to 12 books, only a small increase, but I'm hoping I'll be able to get there.

I don't have a lot planned for this month. I should have a review posted for my current read, Everybody Dies Famous in a Small Town by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock, and if I can do that, I will finally be starting Down Comes the Night by Allison Saft.
I'm wishing everybody a happy 2021, happy reading everybody!